Paisley Dreams

Friday, May 28, 2004

Meet the Folks? WHAT?

Why would you suggest someone meet your parents on the same day as a FIRST DATE? Even if it is Memorial Day weekend, the official family grilling weekend? Part of me is flattered. Part of me is freaked out. Tonight we're going to finalize plans for this weekend so I'll find out more later.

Oh and Another Thing...

Please don't call me "girl" or "darling." Girl never. Darling maybe later. And that's a big MAYBE. "Have you been a busy girl?" is a question that was spawned in the deepest recesses of hell. Avoid asking me this in the future! Wow, things look like they are going to go SO WELL on our first date this weekend. Who wants to place odds on his making it through it in one piece?

No Free Shrek

Now that the paperwork is finally posted on the website, I just found out that the seat counts I'm doing tonight don't include a free movie ticket. You get reimbursed for a ticket only if you have to count the number of people in the show. Darn. No free Shrek. Oh well...I'm still going to be paid for something that is extremely easy.

Knock on Wood

Traded my monitor in for one that my computer likes. Paid the guy some money for his work and for the monitor since my monitor was way older than his. Took the new monitor and old computer home so they could continue to get to know each other. They still like each other. Knock on wood. Got a lot of scanning of stuff to do this weekend. Music, scanning, and cleaning.
The last two songs on Alanis' new CD are awesome. I listened to them over and over last night. Then I went to sleep way early. I was beat.

Au Revoir, Cutie

The college boys next door are moving. I was planning on mowing my pathetically overgrown lawn last night but discovered Jeremy had done it once again. He told me he's moving on the 14th. Told him I'll do something really cool for him before he leaves. I think that makes three times now that I owe him something for doing the lawn. He never expects anything but I'm going to give him something nonetheless. What a sweetie. I'll miss him!

Wrong Place - Again

For the second time, I went to the wrong place for a mystery shop. Both times another ___ store was really close to the one I went to. Well, at least this time it didn't cost me anything. My food was free at the wrong location. The manager refunded my money because it took so long for them to get it to me. The wrong location was also the place with the horrendous restroom that nearly made me throw up. Yeah the place and people just didn't seem like they had EVER been mystery shopped...Hopefully my shops will go well today.

Such An Exciting Friday Night - Not

I really should be completing mystery shopping stuff right now, but the notes for one shop are in my car. Had to enter the theater counts tonight. I'll enter the other 3 tomorrow. I'm so bad.
Note to Chaunda - You can call me girl all you want. In fact, it's cute! Guys, on the other hand, can't get away with it. When a guy says it, it seems to imply that he thinks he needs to protect me or something - GAG! Nope, guys that call me a "girl" need to be bitch slapped. And if I did that, they'd surely call me something else. :)
I'm completely off on Sunday and Monday. Haven't scheduled myself any jobs. God I want to go somewhere - Mammoth Cave, the beach, the amusement park in Cleveland, hmmmm....

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Scrabble and Storm

There was a tornado warning for my county yesterday evening. It was exciting in name only. Where I was didn't get anything but rain. I'm pretty sure I was in the same storm, but if I was then...well, it was a wuss. Some clouds looked interesting, but it still didn't come anywhere near my Tornado Alley home.
Played Scrabble with Frank, Dave, and Trish. Won, lost, won. Only bingo I recall was scrawny. The score wasn't scrawny - it was worth 100 points. Mistakenly left my wallet at the store (when the heck did I pull it out of my purse?). Will retrieve it later on today.

My Contributions to the English Language - Entry 1

clingcramp - the left-over, lingering cramp after a Charley Horse

I have had a clingcramp in my right calf for two days now. The Charley Horse made me scream and writhe when it hit me in my sleep the other night. Thankfully, the clingcramp is just mildly annoying in comparison.

blaboons - talktative people who think they know everything and repeatedly butt into conversations others are having

The blaboon is being ostracized from all of the school cliques.

idigant - an arrogant idiot; a person who toots his own horn while others sit around wondering if he will ever truly realize how dumb he really is

After reading the blaboon's research report, it was readily apparent that he could be a poster child for idigants everywhere.