Paisley Dreams

Thursday, May 27, 2004

My Contributions to the English Language - Entry 1

clingcramp - the left-over, lingering cramp after a Charley Horse

I have had a clingcramp in my right calf for two days now. The Charley Horse made me scream and writhe when it hit me in my sleep the other night. Thankfully, the clingcramp is just mildly annoying in comparison.

blaboons - talktative people who think they know everything and repeatedly butt into conversations others are having

The blaboon is being ostracized from all of the school cliques.

idigant - an arrogant idiot; a person who toots his own horn while others sit around wondering if he will ever truly realize how dumb he really is

After reading the blaboon's research report, it was readily apparent that he could be a poster child for idigants everywhere.


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