Paisley Dreams

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The Freaks Come Out To Read

This really geeky guy with huge REFLECTIVE GLASSES came up to the customer service desk the other day. The glasses were straight out of C*H*I*P*S. He had a voice that sounded like he had a trach. Sudden bursts of laughter sounded like delicate cackles. He had a sunken face and a slender build. However, a vast beer belly pooched out in defiant contrast to the rest of his frame. He was very jittery. He was trying to check on the status of a book he had ordered. The book? As I See It, a book of photographs of naked young men who, according to our database, are not quite boys but not quite men; they haven't quite reached maturity. Great, he's probably a pedophile!
Another guy called to see if we had a book, saying he doubted that we would have it. He verified with me that censorship is illegal in this country. What a wacko. The computer showed we should have it, but I couldn't find it. He said he wasn't surprised, but he was shocked when I said I could order it. He didn't want to provide his real name, the paranoid freak. The book? The Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes. Think he paid his taxes?????


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