Paisley Dreams

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Steve - Yeah!

Worked until seven last night because...if it could hit the fan yesterday, it did. Except for the dissection fumes. They wafted down the hallway and burned eyes. Had to ask my evening libby to start a lot of different projects. Talked to Special Collections Steve. He said he'll probably go to comedy sometime soon. Finally on the straight and arrow with him. Yeah! Kevin called, probably for additional advice about a girl (I talked to him about her over the weekend), but I never got around to calling him back. Younger Matt called as George W. Bush to say he wanted to accompany back to the "great state of Texas" to see an abandoned haunted hotel in Mineral Wells. Sounds pretty cool! Talked to two dating line guys. The one with the bad dating history. And a new guy from Brooklyn. Love the Brooklyn's guy's accent and confidence. Fun conversation! Ok, back to doing my stuff before the fan gets kicked into high gear again. :) Why didn't my evening libby shelve the new books after she entered them into the inventory? Arrrgh...


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