Paisley Dreams

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Cool, Fun, Busy, Strange Day

Yesterday was interesting. A faculty member gave me a bracelet of linked dice from Las Vegas. A student brought me a card. The ongoing clique fighting among the nursing students was out in the open once again - drama, drama.
Because of all the loud mouths around here over the last month, I've now earned a reputation as....heaven forbid...a shusher. As of Monday the libby is two rooms, and it's now hard to gauge noise levels. But it feels like a real library for the first time ever - awesome! A student walked up to me and said people in my room were disturbing her. The complaint made me become a highly vigilant shushing machine for awhile the point that later on when I was just looking across the room nonchalantly, students kept sweetly saying "I'm sorry" because they thought that I was looking in their direction because they were being too loud! Too funny. Unless I'm looking at you and shushing you, you're cool, ok? Man, I guess I finally am going to have to resolve myself to the fact that the shushing reputation is a necessary evil for my profession. Especially now that every loud mouth in town is at my campus. But I shush people nicely and laugh and correct them when they give out their unnecessary apologies. Must fight the mean libby stereotype somehow. I'm damn determined!! Arrgh. :)
When a faculty member peeked her head in the door by my desk, I asked, "Do you need anything?" She cupped her hands in front of chest and mouthed, "Boobs." So I emailed her the lyrics to The Boob Fairy.
A third faculty member brought her laptop to me for the gazillionth time for help with the blasted wireless network and other problems, but this time, she said, "No, don't put it on your desk. Hold it in your hands....Both hands...There now...what you are holding is my laptop. The one that we thought was mine earlier wasn't. It was Joe's. He got our laptops mixed up." That's why their logins weren't working all morning. She wanted to make sure my hands were occupied when she told me this. Just in case I wanted to punch her or something. :) She later told me about going to a funny menopause-related performance. What a goof. I love her to death!
I think something's in the water.


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