Paisley Dreams

Monday, August 09, 2004

Cyber People

I've run into some incredible people on the Internet, but I will never consider any of them real friends until I talk to them on the phone or meet them in person AND really click with them off of the Internet. Is that so horrible? However, that's not to say that there aren't some people who I can just tell that I'd get along with in person. Most others - who knows? This is just my philosophy, and I know others are far more giving of their time and energy online. But I'm a huge skeptic online. Like most people, when I meet someone or sometimes even when I just talk to someone, I have gut feelings and either feel a good or bad vibe. The same thing happens online. I look at grammar, content, organization, humor, and such and try to get a picture of what someone is like. Of the people I've spent a lot of time around in cyberspace, I've had good vibes and bad vibes. Far more good vibes than bad so far. Thankfully!


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