Paisley Dreams

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Busy Fun

Friday night I did side work and hung out at Captain Kevin's.
Sporadic, blazing loud fire and police scanner alerts are not conducive to sleep so I headed back to my place around midnight. Besides, I wanted to fall into Kevin's arms, nothing more, nothing less, since it'd been a long week. God, I wanted a hug. But the punk sat around watching TV and wouldn't even give me a hug when he did hop into bed. Needs to be shot, I tell ya. Still had a good time doing what we do best. Picking on each other and exchanging funny glares.
Had to be at a meeting place at seven to roll out to Nashville with two fellow libbies. Went to the board meeting and then out to dinner with the executive committee since one of my carmates was on it. Had a great time at a very interesting little place, the Bunganut Pub. The whole group piped in with opinions on the VP's boyfriend. Too hilarious!
Oh, the drama. Turns out the executive committee doesn't want more than two candidates for each open position because of the cost and time considerations involved with a run-off. Makes sense, but so much for the hard work I put into finding five candidates for one position. Politics, politics, politics. Even in quiet, unobtrusive, bun-wearing libby land. :) One of my carmates told me to find two people to run against our one and only VP/President-Elect candidate so that I can end up dropping her since she manipulated me. Long story. What a mess. The VP agreed that what the candidate did was underhanded and suggested that I tell the President. Still haven't. Chicken. I don't like what she did, but I really don't want to be evil either.
Saturday night was the Einstein Simplified 10th anniversary party at my favorite place in town, an 1800s saloon, Patrick Sullivan's! (I so want their paisley carpet.) We paid a cover charge, but it was well worth it. Food, door prizes, hilarious countdown-to-the-show video clips and fake commericals, a Spongebob pinata, old members, and introductory theme music and video clips for each skit. The whole show was taped, and I really want to watch it again! The guys were awesome. Had a great time with Chaunda and Beth and enjoyed meeting an old member, Holly. Chaunda and I were part of the show! The animatronics skit; we picked comedians and moved them around. They couldn't move without our prodding. We should have picked smaller guys, but, hey, what can we say, Brad and Wes rule! We got crash test dummy action figures, a Spongebob key ring, and a complete set of Einstein Simplified trading cards for being part of the show. Got to pull strings on Spongebob's pants to try to get the "brown stuff" (chocolate) to drop. No luck. Didn't know why Steve had missed the last few shows until Saturday. He's had a heart attack. Hope he recovers soon! My would-have-been blind date, Greg, wussed out again and wouldn't meet me, mostly because friends were going.
Sunday I ate lunch with Trent, napped, finally acquainted Chaunda with old school Prince tunes, and then finally met Greg. What a letdown! We talked for a few minutes and then I joined my #1 adult soccer team (whee!) in whipping another team 11 or 12 to 1. Had my first head-on collision of the season. Was a tad dazed but didn't fall down. It was more like, "Damn....oh, ok...we're both what I was doing again?...oh, the ball...where the hell is the damn ball?...this freaking punk sure as hell isn't getting it." Looked down and saw that the ball was still down there. Lolling about. Oblivious to the idiots above it. Got it to a teammate and felt damn good to be praised for a change. The evil part of me loved the fact that, after a switcheroo, one of the aggressive jerks I'd been guarding led one of my guys to say, "You're going to make a Christian man cuss!" Like games before, I was wide open, but they wouldn't pass to me. Also like before, two opponents were wide open, but they wouldn't come over to help me out. Final game, a playoff game, is next week. We're playing the #2 team. If I play again, next time I'm going to make sure and play on a team that has at least one other girl on it. Had a better time this week because the guys weren't so bossy. Hallelujah! Loved all the action!
Sunday night I didn't sleep and didn't feel well so I skipped work Monday to catch up on sleep and get better. Cleaned a lot! Did a mystery shop.
Last night I did a mystery shop and went to see Einstein Simplified again. They announced who their new member is...Dave. Like that was any surprise! Dave made us laugh our asses off right off the bat with his first line. He and Paul were pretending to milk cows at a Mayfield Dairy. He cracked up other members during skits. He's damn good. "My cock is licking your cock!" cracked up Todd during a skit on cock fighting. He played Paul Revere on a horse and had to sing - hilarious! Cute and funny as hell. Loved dancing near him at a club a few weeks ago. Vincent finally came to a show --- about damn time! He had a good time. Like I knew he would. Who wouldn't enjoy Einstein? They're great! :) Finally saw Vincent's office afterwards. Wow, it's a nice setup. Very hip. And such an awesome location. Can't beat the Old City.
Caught up with Katie. She's cracking me up! Still awaiting word from younger Matt...


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