Today I Didn't Kill A Coworker
Ok, so you have the receptionist call me to ask me if I'm done with something that you never even asked me to do? I have a phone too you know. I called and left you a voicemail asking you what to do with the stuff when I got it awhile back, and you never called back. Now you want it ASAP? Well tough. My God, do you think the world revolves around you or something? That me and the receptionist are your personal slaves? I think not. I think I have an operation to run here, and you don't come first. You're just one of many people I serve.
I find it so funny that your name is so perfect for you. You act like you've been inspired by it. Afterall, it is part of a word that's akin to diva. You're definitely a diva. That's for damn sure. You can walk around and get ready for work and then walk from your car to the building but you can't walk down the sidewalk to atend a meeting. Well, boohoo. I wish you could have seen the looks on one of the attendee's faces when I told all of them why you weren't coming. That was a hoot! And funny how you called me to pass on that message, but you never return phone calls and didn't call me earlier to tell me the stuff you needed to have done. I have news for you. Treating everyone like serfs does not make you a queen.
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