Paisley Dreams

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I Stood Up To Someone

After resting on Friday and working Saturday and Sunday nights, I was glad that this was the last weekend I'll have without social plans for awhile. While driving home Sunday, I found out that a friend was at a bar with some of his friends. He likes to keep his friends segregated but had allowed a girl he's been seeing lately to tag along. That's so hypocritical. When I said that I was thinking of dropping in, he said they were leaving soon. I was in the area and was already planning on going to the grocery store near the bar on my way home. When I left the grocery store thirty minutes later, I could see his car still sitting in front of the bar. This really pissed me off. I don't what the freaking big deal is. I've met all but one of the long-term friends he was with. And guess what? I met them when I arranged for them to surprise him at a birthday party me and two friends of mine, who, incidentally, I once set up with him, planned. I've been his friend for four and a half years. I dated him for three months and then broke up with him because he was a bitter jerk. His bitterness decreased over the years but has resurfaced in full force again here recently. He can be such a jerk at times. Rarely to me though. I'm just tired of mostly only being an on-the-phone friend whose only role seems to be to listen to him bitch about his ex and tons of other things. I'm tired of his being a hypocrite. And I especially don't like the fact that he lied to me. Let's see if he apologizes. He better, but I doubt he will. When I started to vent, he said, "Why should I feel obligated to invite you?" Our mutual friend said she would chew him out the next time she talked to him. I said that we shouldn't gang up on him. Maybe we should. I'm so sick of his negativity. I know that sounds hypocritical, but I have been nothing but patient and long-suffering for years. I'm tired of his taking my friendship for granted. I'm especially tired of his bitter side's rearing its ugly head more and more for the last few months.


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