Paisley Dreams

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Grace Seeks Woody

All of these close-minded East Tennessee men need to be shot. Hunting season's almost here. Watch the news for hunting "accidents." Just kidding.

So many guys, two recent blind dates included, can't accept the fact that I have gay guy friends. Well, if you can't accept my gay friends, then eff you. You're not my friend and never will be. You certainly won't be my boyfriend. I'm picky about who my friends and boyfriends are. I don't choose people unless they are damn good friends to me. Unless they are down-to-earth, real people. Friendly. Intelligent. Amazing.

Why else would my ex-fiance' have wanted to stay in touch with me AND my friends? He learned how awesome my friends are and wanted to keep them for his own - gay and straight.

So Grace has plenty of Wills. Grace seeks Woody. Woody with a woody. ;)


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